They say when life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right?
Well this morning I made a lemon merengue pie, two citrusy cocktails and some zesty lemon chicken wings.
I missed lunch today. Can you tell?
I woke up in a bad mood – the kind of mood that usually precedes a bad day. At the time of month that usually paves the way for a very bad day. Where you’re late for everything and you go to the gas station only to discover you forgot your purse at home and top of it…
You missed breakfast!
My little pep talk before what could have been the worst day, started like this:
“C’mon Steph, you got this!”
*brain not buying it*
Okay, let’s say you don’t have this. Let’s say you don’t leave the house today. You choose instead to stay home and self soothe and roll around in a soft comfy blankie (mine’s pink), eating comfort food.
What is the worst that could happen?
You were alive and surviving before this job. You will still be alive and surviving after it. Whether it be today (I really DONT want to go in today), tomorrow (when they find out you didn’t do anything today) next month (when you quit) or if you decide stay for the next ten years!
“It will be okay.”
*brain still not budging*
You can remember that you have survived much much worse days and much worse situations than this. You can acknowledge that if there is ANYONE qualified to make it through this day, it’s you.
Dig into you arsenal of skills, fix your hair, gloss up show up!
*brain gets hyped up*
Why Affirmations dont work and how they can:
No matter how many times you repeat dead, dull empty words, they won’t penetrate your belief system unless they find a way to override your defense system. Also known as your “bullshit radar”.
Your brain isn’t stupid. It has years of collective information that guides it to believing what’s true and what isn’t (belief defense system).
See, your belief defense system isn’t there primarily to hold you back from the wonderful things in life. It is actually there to protect you.
So, to override it, you must:
1. Become your own internal lawyer:
Present evidence.
You have to reason with your brain. Make it see logic. You are fighting against _ (insert age here) years of precoded beliefs. Simply repeating a quote in a dead monotone wont cut it. Convince your brain that you CAN do this or DO believe in yourself by using different arguments until one slips past the logic barrier.
If someone came up to you and said : The sky is green, would you believe it? You would need evidence/a lengthy explanation. Find these explanations and formulas. Find proof that it WILL work.
2. Know yourself enough to know what works for you.
For me, I much preferred the win at the end of the day when I realized that I made it through what could have been the worst day ever! I love to win, especially with odds against me. It improves my self efficacy and self worth.
I like the challenge.
What gets you going?
What are your drivers? Know them and tie them to the desired outcome. Have a solid idea of what motivates you and how your values are tied into your drivers.
3. What’s the worse that could happen?
Make peace with it, become friends with it and stop fearing it! So what if I lost the job? I had been jobless before and I can survivve it again especially with a job evacuation plan in my pocket.
Imagine the worse and be okay with it. It is only 24 hours. Eventually, it will have to end. No matter what you say with your lips and no matter how many times you say it, the universe responds to your energy not your words. Words can change your energy but sometimes it takes more than just simple repetitive utterrances.
Remember that cool devil may care guy in high school that everyone swooned over? He really didnt care whether he was liked or not. he emmitted vibes of being cool with or without your approval and that made you want him, didnt it?
4. Dont chase (scarcity energy), attract (abundance energy)!
What I know for sure:
You are completely amazing whole and complete just the way you are. Know this. Emit it. When your brain resisits this, sit and argue with it until it sees reason.
You are the only person you have to convince.
The universe and everything in it with follow suit.
Massive self love vibes and reassurance